Office 365 Service Health Overview
The Office 365 Service Health scripts have grown from a simple script to a collections of scripts with central configuration files. This can make it look quite complicated but its straight forward. pre-reqs: An Azure App with Service Health (Office 365 management API), Reports.Read.All (Graph API) and Organization.Read.All (Graph API) A web service to host the html output a task scheduler to run the command lines on a regular basis. Azure AD App Lee Ford (others great bloggers also available!) has a great step-by-step article on how to create an app, so theres no point in reinventing the wheel!: Its also worth looking at consuming the App in Flow and pushing to teams - having an 'in-cloud' monitoring solution can help pinpoint local issue (ie proxy, internet access). Similarly having an on-premises solution allows you to test from a user perspective and also works during teams/flow...