
Showing posts from November, 2019

Skype Updater - Success.... or not....

Another item that, on a good day, you pick up straight away. After a long day it can lead to throwing the keyboard at the screen. When running "SkypeServerUpdateInstaller.exe" you might see: SUCCESS: Found the main process. and then back to the command prompt. W. T. F. the answer is deceptively simple. Windows Update is running the installer in the background. For whatever reason (admin approved, WSUS download etc) the skype installer is there, stopped at the dialogue box with crosses and ticks. except you cant see it. To fix, just kill the process SkypeServerUpdateInstaller.exe Simples! (on a good day.....)

The downside of a warm running home lab

One of the upsides of a homelab is the heat generated on cold days. The downside is that often means its not used during the warm summer (?) months. Downside? Well if you have multiple Domain Controllers and most of them off during the year, you can get issues with replication when they all fire up again. Error 8606 - Insufficient attributes were given to create an object. This object may not exist because it may have been deleted and already garbage collected. Getting rid of lingering objects can be a pain. Step forward the aptly named LoL tool :) Another issue may be tombestone lifetime. You can crank it up using ADSI edit and kick start the process again. Remember to reduce it afterwards.