Missing in Action - 2021
So there goes 2021. So little has happened, yet so much has changed. I have a role at Microsoft which took up all my time in the second half of 2021. The first half of 2021 started as normal - Skype for Business 2015 work and a migration to Teams. Then came March and working at home. A bit of a dampner on the old enthusiasm as we'd just taken delivery of #20 Surface Hubs 2s and looking forward to configuring for Teams. (and no - I didn't get one to take home). So towards the end on 2021 I've been working on a bunch of scripts - most notably the office 365 Service Comms API retirement meant I had to update the Service Health scripts you can find it on github, GitHub - JonathanChristie-BHIT/M365SH: M365 Service Health uses Microsoft Graph to display key information I've also added an IP monitor - to track when hostnames change IP address. Handy for demonstrating failure, or if you run in multiple instances against multiple DNS resolvers, then you can see Geo-DNS in actio...