Skype Online and MCOValidationError

These user counts are incorporated into the Lync ReportHTML  from the previous post:

While doing some housekeeping for a client, I noticed that the Interpreted User Type attribute in SfBO threw up some HybridOnpremSfBUserWithMCOValidationError accounts.

The full list included:
  • DirSyncSfBUser: On-premises users which have been assigned a SfB online licence
  • DirSyncTeamsUser: On-premises users which have been assigned a Teams licence
  • HybridOnlineSfBUser: A user created on-premises and migrated to SfBO
  • HybridOnpremSfBUser: A user created on-premises and enabled on-premises for Lync/Skype
  • HybridOnpremSfBUserWithDeletedLicenses: An on-premises user has a deleted office 365 SfB licence
  • HybridOnpremSfBUserWithMCOValidationError: An on-premises user with a domain that is not valid in your synchronised tenant
  • PureOnlineSfBUser: Online users which have been assigned a SfB licence
  • PureOnlineTeamsUser: Online users which have been assigned a Teams licence (no SfBO licence)

So obviously some tidying up is required.
Ideally, only HybridOnlineSfBUser and HybridOnpremSfBUser would be present.

Selecting the MCO Validation errors
$MCOErrors=get-CSOnlineUser | ? {$_.MCOValidationError -ne $null} | select windowsemailaddress, sipaddress, displayname, mcovalidationerror

Selecting the first one, $MCOErrors[0].mcovalidationerror gives XML output.
The node we're looking for is ErrorCode and ErrorDescription

In this case the error codes were InvalidSipDomains, and the ErrorDescription was self-explanatory. Users had been assigned SIP domains which had not been added to the tenants SfBO enabled domains list.

To do - figure out a way to export/filter the XML to a more readable/orderable list to quickly identify the ErrorCode and ErrorDescription.


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