Updating Create-LabUsers - take two
Over the past couple of days I've been tweaking and adding to this useful script.
(Previous update here: https://jc-nts.blogspot.com/2018/06/tweaks-to-create-labusers.html
Aarons blog posts can be found here: https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/undocumentedfeatures/tag/create-labusers/
Several iterations later (and few thousand mailboxes):
This way I can fire up a DC, create 5000 users and associated groups and not have to worry about spinning up the entire test lab. When the servers are next on on, I can enable the mailboxes and for SfB.
Of course this is my preference when creating my lab - yours might be different.
For the skype functionality, I've added three command line parameters
If not specified, the script will try to determine the SfB Front End server through a DNS lookup for _sipinternaltls._tcp.<domain>
Password complexity issue (accounts would remain locked as the password didnt match complexity requirements, history etc).
This one was a bit of a head scratcher as all the users had the same password. Clearly the password wasnt at fault. A quick check of usernames highlighted the issue - names had part of the word 'password' in them, in particular 'Word' as a surname.
Change the default password to P@ssw0rd solved the issue.
Errors setting email addresses.
Sometime an error would crop up when setting email and UPN.
Some forenames had a space in them. Removing spaces from the strings before setting fixed the issue.
Then when creating the user, use $UPN to set the email address and samaccountname e.g.
I'd previously changed the send-mail command to speed things up (rather than a couple of seconds per email, it was now 3-4 emails per second). With attachments now in play, this needed to be expanded and disposed of once done (around line 851):
(Previous update here: https://jc-nts.blogspot.com/2018/06/tweaks-to-create-labusers.html
Aarons blog posts can be found here: https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/undocumentedfeatures/tag/create-labusers/
Several iterations later (and few thousand mailboxes):
- Added functionality to enable Skype for Business
- Split the user and mailbox creation
- Tweaked mailbox creation to include users not previously enabled
- Fixed an issue where the password complexity would error on user creation (that was fun!)
- Fixed an issue where email addresses contain invalid characters
- Shaved off a few seconds here and there
- Included some extra logging and timings
This way I can fire up a DC, create 5000 users and associated groups and not have to worry about spinning up the entire test lab. When the servers are next on on, I can enable the mailboxes and for SfB.
Of course this is my preference when creating my lab - yours might be different.
For the skype functionality, I've added three command line parameters
- -SfBEnable - Enable users for Skype for Business
- -SfBFEServer - FQDN of a SfB front end server to powershell to
- -SfBPool - The SfB pool FQDN that users should be enabled on
If not specified, the script will try to determine the SfB Front End server through a DNS lookup for _sipinternaltls._tcp.<domain>
Password complexity issue (accounts would remain locked as the password didnt match complexity requirements, history etc).
This one was a bit of a head scratcher as all the users had the same password. Clearly the password wasnt at fault. A quick check of usernames highlighted the issue - names had part of the word 'password' in them, in particular 'Word' as a surname.
Change the default password to P@ssw0rd solved the issue.
Errors setting email addresses.
Sometime an error would crop up when setting email and UPN.
Some forenames had a space in them. Removing spaces from the strings before setting fixed the issue.
#remove spaces from samaccountname $sAMAccountName=$sAMAccountName.replace(' ','') $UPN=$sAMAccountName+'@'+$domain
Then when creating the user, use $UPN to set the email address and samaccountname e.g.
New-ADUser -SamAccountName $sAMAccountName -Name $DisplayName -Path $OrgPath -Manager $Manager ` -AccountPassword $SecurePassword -Enabled $true -GivenName $FirstName -Initials $MiddleInitial ` -Surname $LastName -DisplayName $DisplayName -EmailAddress $UPN ` -UserPrincipalName $UPN -Company $Company -Department $Department ` -EmployeeNumber $EmployeeNumber -Title $Title -OfficePhone $OfficePhone -StreetAddress $StreetAddress ` -City $City -PostalCode $PostalCode -State $State -Country $Country -Server $DomainController
I'd previously changed the send-mail command to speed things up (rather than a couple of seconds per email, it was now 3-4 emails per second). With attachments now in play, this needed to be expanded and disposed of once done (around line 851):
#Send-MailMessage -To $Recipients -From $($User.PrimarySmtpAddress) -Body $Body -SmtpServer $SmtpServer -Subject $Subject -ea silentlycontinue -wa silentlycontinue -Attachments $FilePath $message=New-Object System.Net.Mail.MailMessage $message.from=$($user.PrimarySmtpAddress) $message.to.add($Recipients) $message.subject=$subject $attach=new-object net.mail.attachment($filepath) $message.attachments.add($attach) $message.body=$body $smtp=New-Object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($SmtpServer) $smtp.SendAsync($message,$null) $attach.Dispose() $message.Dispose() $smtp.dispose() Remove-Item -Path $FilePath -Force -ea SilentlyContinue -WA SilentlyContinue } Else { Write-Log -LogFile $Logfile -LogLevel INFO -Message "Sending message [$($UserCounter) / $($TotalMessagesToSend)] with subject $($Subject) to $($Recipients.Count) recipients" #Send-MailMessage -To $Recipients -From $($User.PrimarySmtpAddress) -Body $Body -SmtpServer $SmtpServer -Subject $Subject -ea silentlycontinue -wa silentlycontinue $smtp=New-Object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($SmtpServer) $smtp.SendAsync($($user.PrimarySmtpAddress),$Recipients,$Subject,$Body, $null) $smtp.dispose() }
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